Charizard GX - Hidden Fates: Shiny Vault
Product Details
Card Number / Rarity:SV49/SV94 / Shiny Holo Rare
Card Type / HP / Stage:Fire / 250 / Stage 2
Attack 1:[3] Wing Attack (70)
Attack 2:[2RRR] Crimson Storm (300)
Discard 3 Fire Energy from this Pokemon.
Attack 3:[2R] Raging Out GX
Discard the top 10 cards of your opponent's deck. (You can't use more than 1 GX attack in a game.)
Weakness / Resistance / Retreat Cost:Wx2 / None / 2
TCGplayer Tip:This shiny Charizard-GX was the most sought-after card from the Shiny Vault subset of Hidden Fates when that set released in 2019, and it remains one of the most desired cards from the entire Sun & Moon Series.
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Charizard GX - Hidden Fates: Shiny Vault
Sale price$110.00
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