Charizard Star (Delta Species) - Dragon Frontiers (DF)
Product Details
Card Number / Rarity:100/101 / Ultra Rare
Card Type / HP / Stage:Darkness / 90 / Basic
Attack 1:[1D] Rotating Claws (20)
You may discard an Energy card attached to Charizard Star. If you do, search your discard pile for an Energy card (excluding the one you discarded) and attach it to Charizard Star.
Attack 2:[1DDDD] Dark Swirl (150)
Discard all Energy cards attached to Charizard Star and discard the top 3 cards from your opponent's deck.
Weakness / Resistance / Retreat Cost:W / / 3
TCGplayer Tip:The Charizard card from Dragon Frontiers is both shiny and a Delta Species Pokémon, making it exceedingly rare in Pokémon lore. It's similarly rare in the real world, as one of the biggest chase cards from the entire EX Series, which ended in 2006.
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