Crobat - Neo Revelation (N3)
Crobat - Neo Revelation (N3)
Product Details
Card Number / Rarity:04/64 / Holo Rare
Card Type / HP / Stage:Grass / 90 / Stage 2
Attack 1:[G] Triggered Poison (20)
If your opponent attaches an Energy card to the Defending Pokémon during his or her next turn, that Pokémon becomes Poisoned.
Attack 2:[1GG] Cross Attack (20x)
Flip 4 coins. This attack does 20 damage times the number of heads. If you get 2 or more heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Confused.
Weakness / Resistance / Retreat Cost:P / F-30 / 1
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Crobat - Neo Revelation (N3)
Sale price$110.00
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