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Rocket's Mewtwo - Gym Challenge (G2)

Sale price$110.00

Product Details

Card Number / Rarity:014/132 / Holo Rare

Card Type / HP / Stage:Psychic / 70 / Basic
Attack 1:[P] Juxtapose
Flip a coin. If heads, switch the number of damage counters on Rocket's Mewtwo with the number of damage counters on the Defending Pokémon (even if it would Knock Out either Pokémon). (It's okay if 1 of the Pokémon has no damage counters on it.)

Attack 2:[PP] Hypnoblast (20)
Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Asleep.

Attack 3:[1PPP] Psyburn (60)

Weakness / Resistance / Retreat Cost:P / / 2

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Rocket's Mewtwo - Gym Challenge (G2)
Rocket's Mewtwo - Gym Challenge (G2) Sale price$110.00
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