Shining Charizard - Neo Destiny (N4)
Product Details
Card Number / Rarity:107/105 / Secret Rare
Card Type / HP / Stage:Fire / 100 / Basic
Attack 1:[RRRLL] White-hot Flame (100)
Discard 1 Fire Energy card and 1 Lightning Energy card attached to Shining Charizard or this attack does nothing. Flip a coin. If tails, Shining Charizard does 30 damage to itself.
Weakness / Resistance / Retreat Cost:W / F-30 / 3
TCGplayer Tip:The Shining Charizard from Neon Destiny is the first Pokémon card to depict a Shiny Charizard, and actually predates "Shiny" as a term for rare Pokémon with unusual coloration. Among collectors, it's one of the most prized Pokémon cards ever printed.
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Shining Charizard - Neo Destiny (N4)
Sale price$110.00
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