Shining Magikarp - Neo Revelation (N3)
Product Details
Card Number / Rarity:66/64 / Secret Rare
Card Type / HP / Stage:Water / 30 / Basic
Attack 1:[W] Gold Scale
Your opponent may draw 2 cards. Either way, you may draw 2 cards.
Attack 2:[P] Dragon Bond
Search your deck for a card named Gyarados, Dark Gyarados, or Shining Gyarados. Show it to your opponent and put it into your hand. Shuffle your deck afterward.
Weakness / Resistance / Retreat Cost:L / / 1
TCGplayer Tip:Neo Revelation introduced Shining Pokémon to the TCG, a concept that eventually spread to the entire franchise and became known as Shiny Pokémon. The set has only two Shining Pokémon: this Magikarp, and its evolved form, Shining Gyarados.
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Shining Magikarp - Neo Revelation (N3)
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